One with Courage

One With Courage

The Anderson County Child Advocacy Center of Tennessee, Inc. joins with the Child Advocacy Centers across Tennessee in promoting the “One With Courage” statewide campaign. This is a national initiative that is centered around the courage it takes to talk about child sexual abuse and the unique role children’s advocacy centers play in providing comprehensive, coordinated and compassionate services to child victims of abuse. We ask all community adults to recognize the part they play in keeping our children safe and in the well being of Anderson County families.


We hope all Anderson County adults will ask, “How can I be One with Courage?”

Child sexual abuse is a crime of secrecy which, tragically, breeds within our communities because it’s difficult to talk about. That’s why conversation (openly discussing this issue) is the most effective tool we have to eradicate child abuse.

You can be One With Courage simply by pushing discomfort and fear aside to talk openly about this issue, to start a dialogue about it, and to combat the secrecy that enables child abuse.

You can be the One With Courage to inspire others to talk openly about it.

We believe that the eradication of child abuse begins with building informed, empowered communities with the courage to talk openly about child abuse.

Also, please check out the information on the Stewards of Children program, an evidence based education program designed to empower adults to recognize, react to and ultimately prevent child sexual abuse.

Report Child Abuse!

To report suspected child abuse in the State of Tennessee call: 1-877-237-0004.

If you or a family member needs assistance due to abuse, please contact the Child Advocacy Center.

The Child Advocacy Center of Anderson County Tennessee is funded under an agreement with the State of Tennessee and through public and private contributions including the UWAC.